… is the latest incarnation for 45 Port Elliot Road. No longer a second hand shop, butcher, fish and chip shop or indeed a surf or sail board shop…. We’re now a photography and art gallery.
We have works by more than 10 selected local and South Australian artists. Original paintings in various mediums, metal sculpture, jewellery, glassware, eco-dyed silk scarves, mosaics as well as gift cards and prints…. So we hope there’s something for everyone in terms of taste and budget.
Paul Whitehead also has his studio here, so you’ll usually be able to see him at work when you visit.
Paul and Bec live upstairs, so it’s easy for us to open the gallery outside normal trading hours … just drop us a line … hope to see you soon.
SALA 2020 - H20
We are proud to be exhibiting and selling original paintings in oil, acrylic and watercolour, plus photography, hand crafted jewellery, metal sculptures, pottery, timber craft, glassware and silk scarves, all inspired by ‘H2O’. Using water as a theme, our artists have applied their skills to create new works that stimulate thought and appreciation of our most precious resource ... whether it be environmental messages or representations of the stunning Fleurieu beaches that surround us here in Port Elliot, we have something for all tastes and budget.
Gallery 45 - 45 Port Elliot Road, Port Elliot, South Australia 5212
Opening Hours - Check Google for opening hours
Directions - Click to go to maps